Steele, Guy Lewis, Jr. and Sussman, Gerald Jay (1979) Storage Management in a LISP-based Microprocessor. In: Proceedings of the Caltech Conference On Very Large Scale Integration. California Institute of Technology , Pasadena, CA, pp. 227-241.
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We present a design for a class of computers whose "instruction sets" are based on LISP. LISP, like traditional stored-program machine languages and unlike most high-level languages, conceptually stores programs and data in the same way and explicitly allows programs to be manipulated as data. LISP is therefore a suitable language around which to design a stored-program computer architecture. LISP differs from traditional machine languages in that the program/data storage is conceptually an unordered set of linked record structures of various sizes, rather than an ordered, indexable vector or integers or bit fields of fixed size. The record structures can be organized into trees or graphs. An instruction set can be designed for programs expressed as such trees. A processor can interpret these trees in a recursive fashion, and provide autoaatic storage management for the record structures. We concentrate here on the issues of memory management in such a computer, and the reasons why a layered design strategy is not only desirable and natural but even mandatory. A prototype VLSI LISP microprocessor has been designed and fabricated for testing. It is a small-scale version of the ideas presented here, containing a sufficiently complete instruction interpreter to execute small programs, and a rudimentary storage allocator. We intend to design and fabricate a full-scale VLSI version of this architecture in 1979.
Item Type: | Book Section | ||||||
Additional Information: | We are very grateful to Lynn Conway for coming to MIT, teaching the techniques for NMOS design, and providing an opportunity for us to try our ideas as part of the course project chip. The text used for the course was written by Carver Mead and Lynn Conway. Additional material was written by Bob Hon and Carlo Sequin. It should be mentioned that the course enabled a large number of students to try interesting and imaginative LSI designs as part of the project chip. This paper describes only one project of the set, but many of these student projects may have useful application in the future. Paul Penfield and Jon Allen made all this possible by organizing the LSI design project at MIT and arranging for Charles Botchek. and Lynn Conway to teach. Charles Botchek provided our first introduction to the subject and started our wheels spinning. The course and project chip were executed with the cooperation, generosity, and active help of the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center, Micromask. Inc., and Hewlett-Packard. Dick Lyon and Alan Bell of Xerox PARC performed plots of the projects and assembled the projects into the final mask specifications. They were of particular direct aid to Steele in debugging his project. Glen Miranker and William Henke maintained the plotting software used at MIT to produce intermediate plots of student projects during the design cycle, and were helpful in making modifications to the software to accommodate this project. Peter Deutsch and Fernando Corbato were kind enough to hand-carry project plots from California to Boston to help meet the project deadline. Tom Knight and Jack Holloway provided useful suggestions and sound engi neering advice, as usual. (In particular, Knight helped Steele to design a smaller pad to reduce the area of the project, and Holloway suggested the probe multiplexor technique for testing internal signals . ) This work was conducted at the NIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. It was supported in part by the National Science Foundation under Grant MCS77-04828, and in part by Air Force Office of Scientific Research Grant AFOSR- 78-3593. Guy Steele's graduate studies at MIT during 1978-1979 are supported by a Fannie and John Hertz Fellowship. In the spring of 1978 they were supported by a National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship. | ||||||
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Subject Keywords: | microprocessors, large scale integration, integrated circuits, VLSI, LISP, SCHEME, li5t structure, garbage collection, storage management. | ||||||
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Record Number: | CaltechCONF:20120504-154145765 | ||||||
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Usage Policy: | No commercial reproduction, distribution, display or performance rights in this work are provided. | ||||||
ID Code: | 187 | ||||||
Collection: | CaltechCONF | ||||||
Deposited By: | Kristin Buxton | ||||||
Deposited On: | 08 Aug 2012 20:23 | ||||||
Last Modified: | 03 Oct 2019 22:50 |
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